As a result, investments  exciding one billion euroes are planned within the next four years.


For a few recent years, Renault and their ZOE were number one players in Europe when it comes to electric cars right up until the beginning of this year, when second generation of Nissan's Leaf came to the market to steal the show. It is no big secret, that two companies are partners for the last few years and work together in Renault-Nissan alliance since 1999.

It is thus possible, that Nissan's success encouraged Renault to make an important step towards electric future. It was just yesterday, when French car manufacturer announced plans for significant investments in development and production of electric vehicles. More than one billion euros are they planning to invest in within the next few years as a part 2017-2022 strategic plan Drive the Future.

Under this plan, four French plants and facilities are going to be target of this investment. The most important work is going to be made by Douai plant, where they are going to introduce all new Alliance electric platform for the next generation of cars. Next, in Flins, they are going to double the production of existing model, ZOE. The rest of investment is going to Cleon and Maubeuge, where tripling of production of (new) electric motors is predicted and also production of new Kangoo, including Kangoo Z.E.

Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and CEO of Renault, said after announcement: "The acceleration of our investments in France for electric vehicles will increase the competitiveness and attractiveness of our French industrial sites. Within the framework of its Drive the Future strategic plan and with the Alliance, Groupe Renault is giving itself the means to maintain its leadership in the electric vehicle market and to continue to develop new sustainable mobility solutions for all".

June 15, 2018 Driving photo: Renault