It will be held in capital city of France, Paris.

Paris has always been a good place for e-mobility, either for electric cars and also for upcomming autonomous cars. It is one of the bigest metropolas in Europe and it has one of the worst traffic systems, therby problems with large amount of CO2 exhausts and also small accidents. Mentioned sollutions would thus help to eliminat those problems. Good news is, that one might soon be ready for public use.

Line for testing new solutions have nw came to Renault and Waymo, who will now start exploring possibilities toset up a system for autonomous mobility service. This will be operating in Île-de-France part of the city. On one side it will be an adition to existing pblic transport, while on the other it will help Paris to become one of the laboratories for e-mobility under the national project EVRA.

“This autonomous mobility service between Roissy and La Défense is likely to play a key role for the mobility of Île-de-France inhabitants, tourists and therefore for the international attractiveness of our Region, which is investing €100 million to develop the infrastructure on which autonomous vehicles will operate” says Valérie Pécresse, President of the Paris Region and President of Île-de-France Mobilités. “I hope that we will be able to bring this project to a successful conclusion for the Paris Olympic Games.”

Oct. 12, 2019 Driving photo: Newspress